
Showing posts from November, 2021

November 29, 2021

On Thursday, we dropped Marlon off at outdoor school and Mina likes that time.  Lots of kids to give her attention and play chase with her.  When it was time to go, she didn't want to leave but that afternoon we went for a walk with Stella and she liked that too. Stella is fast and strong and Mina can't keep up but since then the two of them have had a few walks together and are creating a relationship.  Nice to see. Hard to see but in this picture, Mina has a big snowball. Marlon sometimes complains when he does too much but little by little he can do more and more.  He gets these waves of exhaustion but recovers quickly.

November 22, 2021

Marlon needed Wednesday to recover from Tuesday's hospital visit but since then he has been pretty good.  He hasn't thrown up since Tuesday morning and is relieved to not be dealing with constant nausea. We went to the Santa Claus parade on Saturday and while Mina was just fine, I think she would have been just as happy to not be there.  I am happy that she likes people.  She picked a few favourites at the parade and if she felt nervous she would stand closer to them. Sunday, I took her for a longer walk than we usually do and a little while later we joined Josephine and Stella for another walk.  I was happy Marlon came along and we went a route that he hasn't done since the spring when he needed help to get back.  It is nice to see the two dogs getting more comfortable around each other and playing. Today, we went to my sister's place and walked with her and her dog.  Mina tries to keep up with the older dogs and while she is stronger and faster, she can't...

November 18, 2021

While Marlon's back was still a little sore this morning, he decided he would go to outdoor school. Before I left for work, I gave Mina a special bone. I laughed at her cigar.  Moments after this, the cat hissed at her, she dropped her bone and came to hide by me.  He still terrorizes her.  At bedtime, I will sit at the opening of her crate with her until she decides she is ok going in.  I often give her a nudge.  The other day as we were by the crate, and she was showing no signs of heading in until the cat came up from behind and hissed.  Immediately she was in the crate as far back as she could go.  Cat and dog…

November 17, 2021

Marlon was much better today than yesterday.  His head was ok but his back still achy and sore so he didn't do too much. We regularly have some good laughs together.  The other day, he took a bowl of water and a handful of grapes, dipping each one individually in the water before eating.  I asked why he didn't wash them together at the sink.  He said something about the lazy way to do it.  At one point, he splashed some water and had to clean it up.  Later, as I was doing the dishes, I asked him to hand me the bowl.  He grabbed it and lifted, forgetting it was full and making a big splash and watery mess. We both had a good laugh and I think next time he will just wash the handful in the sink. I was figuring out how many squares of chocolate we would need for a brownie recipe and I said we'd need 28; 4x8.  He gave me this incredulous look and we both laughed at my math error. Mina likes to play chase, we chase her or she chases us with her teeth c...

November 16, 2021

Hospital day today.  When we have to leave early, I get up at 430 to get ready.  This morning, I opened Mina's crate, she came out said 'good morning', had a cuddle, yawned loudly a few times, and walked back in her crate to sleep some more.  I agreed and wished I could crawl back into bed. It was when we were leaving that she was ready to play and it was hard to walk away but apparently her day was fine. The hospital appointment went well and afterward Marlon and I went to Guelph.  He dropped some cookies off at friends and they walked to the park and hung out for a bit. This evening though was a very rough one.  The worst reaction he has had to a lumbar puncture.  His back was quite sore, his head hurt so bad he couldn't function or sleep and he was plain miserable.  Eventually, it eased up enough he could consider getting horizontal. This picture was taken this morning before we left and we weren't surprised to see it lying down when we got home. Mi...

November 14, 2021

Both Marlon and Mina are better and stronger. Marlon threw up several days in a row.  Either upon waking or in the evening or both.  After speaking with the nurse, once I finally got his anti-nausea pills, it seems he has acid reflux.  Apparently not uncommon, especially in the older kids.   Now that he is taking something for that, he is much better and not feeling nauseous so much. Mina has not been thrilled by her food so we have been playing around with that.  The cat sure likes her food and when she is eating, he will come along, scare her away, and eat the dog's food.  Mina is quite scared of Mojo and the cat has lashed out at the dog a few times.  Just now, I was sitting on the floor with the dog nearby.  The cat came along, hissed and growled, and Mina climbed into my lap. Overall, Mina is stronger and has more energy and is running, playing, and can make it up the front steps with more ease.  The toy Marlon made for her. While the ca...

November 8, 2021

'It's kind of sad.  I've thrown up so many times, you don't even react anymore.  You just keep doing what you were doing.' Spoken by Marlon this morning.   He did go on to have a good day.  Fairly good.  Grounders at the park but he felt harassed by a girl.  She is a little older and was sort of 'in charge' and in the two times they've met, it hasn't been the best for M.  He felt picked on. Mina and I had a nice walk with friends while playground games were happening. I have been asking Marlon to make Mina a toy using paracord.  This evening, I thought he was finally making one for her but when he was done he told me it was a bracelet for himself.  Maybe tomorrow. Picture from when Linsy was here.  She brought us Montreal bagels and one cut in half became a heart.

November 7, 2021

Our days have been pretty full which is a good thing. Mina is getting stronger.  Sometimes she acts like the puppy she is and then is in recovery for a while.  Marlon is similar.  He runs out of steam faster than some. Friday, my sister Olivia and her husband, Jamey, moved closer to us than they were before.  We stopped by that evening to deliver some blankets and today saw the place in daylight.  Seven people and three dogs had a nice walk around the property. Nearing the end of the walk, Marlon was feeling it.  Mina kept up but it was a lot for her as well.   Louise, Marlon's hospital driver, lives close to Olivia's house so she and her husband Paul stopped by.  Nice to see her and my sister has met a neighbour. Mina is happy in the cooler weather and had some nice white highlights from the snow the other day. This morning, I was woken by Marlon calling 'bucket', so I ran and got him his container and he promptly threw up.  He threw up...

November 2, 2021

I didn't cry as Linsy was leaving until I saw the dog's reaction.  Mina just sat by the door, long after Linsy had gone away in the car, looking sad and dejected.  I sat with her and cried.  And I continued weeping and crying throughout the day.  My tears well up even as I write this. Part of my sadness was the dog and how she wanted to be with Linsy. I notice once again how my low self-esteem has me believe she would rather be with that one person than the four of us here.  I turned her bonding with Linsy into a rejection of myself. It was nice to have Linsy here and she managed to spend time with each of her brothers individually, with friends, her boyfriend, and more.  I am sad to see her go again yet I think her life in Montreal is right for her at this time. This afternoon, Marlon and I had a nice walk with Mina.  A path I haven't walked with Marlon in quite a while.  It was nice and the dog enjoyed it too.