Sewptember 8. 2021

A pleasant day.  Marlon was in a pretty good mood and hung out with me while I was puttering in the kitchen and we listened to podcasts.  Midday we went to the high school to pick up Linsy's diploma and then went to a friend's place.  Marlon mostly played Xbox with his friend and I got to hang out with his mom.  A nice change from the routine.

Afterward, we stopped by to see the puppies.  They are 8 weeks and crazy.  Chewing hair, clothes, shoes, body parts, and each other.  They growl and attack and jump. 

The weeks I take the recycling to the road, I usually go after Marlon is in bed.  It used to be a time I would call my mom on the phone.  Tonight, Marlon decided he wanted to come with me.  Overall, our time together was pleasant, with various talks, some serious and some silly.

His portrait of his KD lunch.


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