Septmeber 2, 2021

The puppies' human caregivers are first-time puppy parents.  At first, it was a lovely distraction.  As the puppies got older, it took more to take care of them.  They made them a pen outside and it kept expanding.  Now, it is a large area encircling a tree with a doghouse too.  It seems like every time I visit, there are adjustments.  The puppies kept pushing through the door, squeezing under here or there.  They would let them out only when there were people around to watch them but as they get older, they run faster and further afield.  The human parents worry about a puppy running onto the road.  Now, if no one is around the puppies are locked in their bedtime trailer so that the little Houdinis will be safe.  What stress.  And yet still so cute at 7-weeks old.

Yesterday, Marlon was complaining that it has been over a week since he has been able to play Minecraft with anyone.  He got some friend time today and was very happy about that.  He also wrote a story that he said he made up while waiting for sleep last night.  If that is when he gets some good quiet time, that is ok too.


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