September 4, 2021

Last week, Linsy gave Marlon a look.  Disdain?  His eyelashes are growing back, as dark and thick as before.  Not super thick but Linsy and I both have my mom's faint, thin eyelashes.  The boys' lashes have long been a source of jealousy for Linsy. 

Marlon's hair is interesting too.  Not very long but the outer layer is a bleach blonde and underneath you can see the dark roots.  I imagine once it does grow back, it will be dark.

Marlon took a quick dip in the water.  Knowing it would be cold, he just jumped in.  He came up spluttering with some not so polite words.  Yup, the water is getting cold.

Linsy sent me this picture.  In Quebec, on the political signs, they have the candidates' pictures.  We were talking about smiles and comparing them.  A general comparison and then also male to female.  The first word on this sign is 'smile'.🙂


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