August 27, 2021

After breakfast, we let Marlon rest, aka have Minecraft time, and Moira, Linsy, and I went for a bike ride.  I wasn't sure about leaving him but I think he actually wanted us to leave because it meant he could have more uninterrupted computer time.  He may not think it good, but overall he has had less screen time this holiday.  I see how much it rules his thoughts, his days, and I feel concern.

The afternoon, as per Marlon's request, we took a subway ride.  Went to old Montreal and wandered around.

If his teeth look a little blue, it is because we bought cotton candy.

He did a lot of walking and was quite tired.  He decided he had to try Montreal poutine so we drove to a place for supper.  He likes his favourite one from home better. There was some sort of bike rally with so many roads blocked off and it made going to the planned ice cream shop impossible.  Eventually, Moira directed us to a completely different part of town.

By the time we got back to the house, he was practically crawling into bed.


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