August 26, 2021

We are all grateful Marlon was feeling much better today because it was a full one.  I decided for our holidays I wanted to go zip-lining and/or to a water park.  Today we went to a water park in Saint-Sauveur.  It was quite an amazing place in the Laurentian mountains with slides of various shapes and sizes.  I wasn't sure how much Marlon would be able to do but we did one and he was all excited. 'That was exhilarating!'. We did a different one and another and many more.  Often it required walking steep paths up the side of the hill.  I kept watching him and suggesting any little thing I could to make it easier.  We stopped for a late lunch and he said maybe one more but he did three.  We wanted to do one more but he wanted the wave pool again.  So we let him go his way and we went ours.  The wait was a long one.  I went back a few times to check on him and he was so happy bouncing around in the water.

It was a great day for a water park and while it was busy it was only the last lineup that was really slow-moving.

We got back to Montreal and had a late supper and are all waterlogged and sun-kissed.


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