August 16, 2021

I was given a link to the Wellerman recording Marlon did:

LD teaches guitar and added it to her blog.  It was recorded outside to keep distance and at that time the neighbour was cutting her grass.  They recorded without that noise but Marlon and I laughed at the sound of a loud car driving by.

The other fun thing was that Marlon had friends over today.  A playdate that has been talked about for months but finally happened.  Three siblings and they all played well together (two of them are also Minecraft buddies).  We had a few plans of things to do but most of the time was spent in the pool.  I didn't get very many pictures as, I too, was enjoying my conversation.

Paco is writing his final exam for the summer course he chose to take.  He likes to get ahead.  Linsy is on her way home from her week on the canoe trip and I will go meet her. Including the Wellerman, this is the completion of four things that have been months in the making.


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