July 5, 2021

Paco worked today but on his lunch, he went and got a door for the car.  The parts were used to fix the handle and now we have a stylish patchwork car that will hopefully last a little while longer.

The tape will be removed.

I keep expecting Linsy to come home and then remember she is away.

Marlon got his Kiwico box today, put it together but perhaps not carefully enough.  He had air in a tube so it wasn't working.  Unfortunately, this monthly box is no longer something he appreciates nor has the patience to assemble carefully.

He is enjoying the little time he spends in the pool.  And has discovered e-books he can borrow without waiting.  He has been waiting for one of the Percy Jackson books from the library.  It has been a long wait but now he has found them on hoopla.  Free and no wait time.

Sad to be heading back for more chemo when the effects of the last round have finally passed.


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