July 17, 2021

Both Linsy and Marlon came to Guelph with me this morning.  It is expensive bringing Marlon along to the market as he asks for so many different things.  Oh well, it was nice for us to go together again.  With walking, Marlon's head would pound.  Over the course of the day, the headache was there if he walked more than a few steps.  I know now this headache is a result of the last chemo session.  Very uncomfortable thinking about that.  And I feel concern as well.  If he starts maintenance on Tuesday, he will be getting a lumbar puncture which will be injecting more of that chemo drug into his spinal fluid, heading up to the brain.  I really don't want that.  I can hope his blood counts won't be high enough to go forward and I will also be sending an email, asking for another week.

Other than his head, Marlon is fine and in good spirits.  He decided a little while ago he wanted a new baseball cap.  We have about four here but he had something particular in mind.  We did go to the mall and he found what he was looking for.  

On our way home from Guelph, we stopped to say hi to the puppies again.  I was enthralled as a little one comfortably slept in my hands.

This afternoon, I baked a zucchini banana chocolate chip cake/bread.  I asked Marlon to help but he wasn't in the mood.  He did enjoy a piece of it once it was done.



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