July 10, 2021

So far, he is adjusting to the latest round of chemo better than I expected.  It could still get worse but maybe not.  Ya never know.

The other day, Marlon asked me to go to the store to get him corn on the cob.  It's not quite in season yet.  He still hasn't had the corn but he's also been wanting cooked green beans.  We scrounged a couple of baby ones from the garden but that wasn't enough.  His request for me this morning was to get green beans from the farmer's market.  He didn't care about anything else.  So for lunch and supper, he had a plate of cooked green beans asking with other things.  He was happy about that.  And I am happy to see him enjoying vegetables.

He played Minecraft with friends this morning and his brother this evening.  That worked well.  At one point I saw him with his phone and told him to put it down.  He told me he was reading.  Right, he has an eBook.

Both last night and today, Linsy was happy to be able to drive herself to work.

Yesterday, this lily was at its prime, but still looks nice today.


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