May 30, 2021

Marlon was feeling more himself today.  Doctor called from the hospital to check in on him.  I asked about his neutrophils being above normal.  I found out that means he was dealing with something.  I was happy to hear that his body now had the ability to fight infections on its own.  Hopefully, with the worst of treatment behind us, his body can continue to maintain health.

The worst part of the day was the drone.  At first, he got it caught in a tree.  Paco got the ladder and was able to get it out.  After that it wasn't flying properly, Marlon lost control, it banged into a tree and landed in the stream.  Several warnings tell us not to get it wet.  It was completely submerged.  Marlon was crying and crying, upset about the bad luck he has had.  Sickness and now the drone.  The waste of money and he barely had a chance to even fly it.  I noticed that with all this crying there were not a lot of tears.  It seemed odd. I have commented on the tears that come with anxiety around pain or pain itself.  Here he was really sobbing and crying but few tears.  Both are real but different.

I have been in touch with the company and we will see what we can do with the drone.  Since its swim we have been letting it dry and then will see what happens.

This evening we drove by to send birthday wishes to one of Paco's friends, a friend to all of us.  A nice excuse to get out even if it would be nice to have more of a visit.

We counted 12 goslings. Eating lots of dandelion seed heads. That time of year.


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