September 3, 2020

September 3, 2020

A very emotional day.  We both slept on and off throughout night. 

Today we broached the subject of hair loss.  Lots and lots of tears shed.  Marlon identifies with his hair.  He feels like he is nothing without it and is very attached. So hard to witness and understand.  I did say I would gladly shave my hair along with him but he doesn't want that.  It would make him feel worse if I did. I suggested getting his dad to cut it so we could save his tail but he can't do that.  Not ready to cut it.

We had a talk when I asked him if he knew what he had.  I didn't realize how little he knew.  I told him leukemia which is a blood cancer.  More tears.  'I don't want to have cancer'. We decided we wouldn't dwell too much on that but take each day as it comes.

Lots of people donating and offering support and help.  Also very painful for both of us to be on the receiving end of this.  He is very grateful and sad.

And still lots of pain.  In some ways more pain it seems.  Waist and incision added to bone pain.  First two are results of yesterday's operation.

And a meeting with the doctor and co. to find out treatment plan.  Intense 4 weeks where his system gets blasted and all the possible side effects were explained. And then a couple of years less aggressive treatment if all goes well.  Under 1  and over 10 years of age are considered high risk instead of 'standard'.  He is now 10 and a half.

Twice today he walked to the washroom (normally uses a container).  It takes a lot of energy for him to stand up and lots of cries to remain standing then a slow hobble across the room and hall.


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