Octobwer 22, 2020

The day didn't start too well.  Marlon couldn't get out of bed and was crying because he felt so horrible.  Nauseous and overall ick. Finally got him up and dressed and to the car.  We cuddled together during the drive some more.  No breakfast again. The hospital was a quick in and out.  Two hours of driving for a five-minute visit to get the chemo.  In the hospital for more than 5 minutes but not long.

He was still feeling nauseous the whole time with no appetite.  When I see him with no appetite I feel nervous. Not wanting to go back to the feeding tube but it always looms as a threat (possibility), especially if he can't eat.

In the afternoon he got set up on a Minecraft server with some friends and really enjoyed playing with others.  I was happy to see him get the chance for that.  Problem was that Paco and Linsy were at the table with him trying to do their school work.  Paco found it hard to maintain his focus so we will have to switch up the 'seating plan' assuming there is a next time for the games. By the time the games were done he did want to eat but still not too much.  He did his exercises without pushing from my end.  They didn't take long at all, so I am not sure how much he did, but I do feel even getting up from the floor a few times, is an exercise.  His usual chatty self again.  He does have a hard time eating too much for supper and by 730 he is feeling so bad he just wants to go to bed.  Then I got a message from Josephine saying a package was dropped off at her place for Marlon.  He surprised me by saying he would walk over there with me.  He did very well and it was a nice short walk in the dark.  The box was Marlon's monthly subscription delivery, a science/physics project. The box has been eagerly awaited each month.  I am guessing he will assemble it tomorrow.  So the day was a mix of feeling so bad but still accomplishing movement and exercise.

Hello from Mojo and Linsy


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