September 24, 2020

 September 24, 2020

'This whole thing has ripped my mind to shreds'

This is what Marlon said to me in the middle of the night when he wasn't sleeping.  He hardly slept at all.  He did fall asleep after i woke up but that just meant I had to wake him up to have breakfast and his pills.  He was unable to finish his pills.  Just couldn't do it.

Louise from Cancer Assistance Services Halton Hills (CASHH) drove us to McMasters.  She has been driving as a volunteer for over 22 years!! A good driver and a wonderful person.

Marlon and I sat in the back, he ate, and listened to his book.  When we got there he was pretty upset to go to finger poke but Nate, the child Life specialist, was there and tried to help Marlon breathe through it.  He survived.  We went upstairs to the clinic and Marlon's intestinal pain started.  It was bad and he was upset and we were put in a room where he could lie down.  The pain was still bad and he threw up.  Calmed down a bit, was checked over and then the port poked  in.  After that step he was a fair bit better.  Hydration first and then the two chemo drugs.  We were free to go. I don't think it was as bad as Marlon worked it up to be in his mind.  Went across the street for poutine, and Louise picked us up and took us home, arriving back around 130. He was quiet for the rest of the day.

By the time supper was ready Marlon was a mess.  Felt horrible.  The pain was back and he was crying that he is so tired of feeling so terrible.  He can't do it anymore.  He did throw up again and then we got most of his pills into him but he was unable to eat.  Cuddled in bed and he fell asleep early.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

This pain/discomfort that Marlon gets is weird.  The doctor that checks him over believes it may be bowel related though he is regular.  Some believe it is just nerves.  I hope it is one of those explanations rather than something else.


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