September 23, 2020

 September 23, 2020

I have been thinking about a mom I met at the hospital.  In December she noticed that for 11th day in a row her 9-year-old daughter has headache.  Hmm.  She took her to dentist.  No, everything fine there.  Took her to optometrist.  Eyes are ok but they told her to go to emerg.  An enlarged nerve they saw.  Tumour on brain and it was removed Christmas Eve.  After recovery, she saw the spark again in her daughter's eye. Phew.  Then she was called in February, get to hospital as treatment was to begin.  The tumour was cancerous.  Radiation burned the girl's throat so she has a feeding tube and now can't keep anything down.  They just came back to hospital while we were there because it was pretty bad.  Mom challenged but says in some ways it is easier to be in hospital because she is there to attend to her daughter.  At home she is mom as well to her two younger boys, driving around, cook, and all that mom's do.  I do hope she gets the healing she needs.

Just one example of looking around and feeling gratitude.  Not that our road is easy but there are always people worse off.

For the most part today was a down day for Marlon.  Low energy, tired, feeling sick and general ick.  Poor guy.  At least he can read a bit and listen to audiobook.  He is dreading our trip to hospital tomorrow.  He knows what he is in for and not looking forward to various needle pokes and general discomfort.


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